Preconception Care Treatment in Jaipur
Why invest in preconception care?
Preconception care has positive effect on range of health outcomes like:
- Prevent complication during pregnancy and delivery.
- Reduce maternal and child mortality.
- Prevent stillbirth, preterm birth, low birth weight.
- Prevent birth defects.
- Prevent neonatal infections and vertical transmission of HIV/ STIs.
- Lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk in later in life.
Checklist of preconception care
- Cessation of smoking, alcohol use and other drug use.
- Folic acid supplement, daily a standard dose.
- Healthy body weight and diet
- Sexually transmitted infections including HIV
- Family planning and pregnancy spacing
- Importance of or oral health
- Genetic disorders (cystic fibrosis, sickle cell genotype, thalassaemia)
- Environmental and occupational exposure
- Increase risk of hepatitis C in those with tattoo or body piercings.
- Physical assessment (physical examination, medical & family history)
- Psychosocial screening for patient readiness
- Immunization record including rubella, hepatitis B, Varicella, tetanus, swine flu.
- Carrier screening (racial/ ethnic/familial)
- Complications of past pregnancy (gestational diabetes, preeclampsia/eclampsia, Rh incompatibility, postpartum hemorrhage, thrombotic event.